With 50 Years of Experience


About Us

ZEKİ MENSUCAT, one of the largest yarn manufacturers in Turkey, has been continuing its production since 1973.

About Zeki Mensucat

Zeki Mensucat Inc. is one of the established companies of Southeastern Anatolia. It started its production in 1973 with blankets and carpets, and continued its activities with acrylic yarn production after 1983. In 1993, it launched its acrylic yarn production facility in Gaziantep 1st Organized Industrial Zone. Since 2003, it has continued its activities in the production of Acrylic Yarn and Blended Yarn. Today, it operates in Gaziantep 3rd and 5th Organized Industrial Zones, with 58,000 m² of closed area and a total of 105,000 m² of open area, employing over 850 people, and serves by continuously following global markets.

About Us
Why Zeki Mensucat?

Zeki Mensucat has always prioritized quality yarn production, aiming for the future while emphasizing customer satisfaction.

Integrated Facility

Our facility has a daily capacity of 100,000 kg fiber dyeing. Additionally, it produces 70,000 kg of acrylic, viscose, wool, and blended yarn daily, and 2,100 tons of acrylic staple, shiny, semi-matte knitting yarn, carpet yarn, and blended yarn monthly.

In Desired Colors

Today, in our production facility consisting of two separate factories, yarn production is carried out in special types and colors with our special blends, tailored to your needs. For detailed information, you can contact us.


With over 47 years of experience, we have successfully fulfilled the mission of supplying the yarn needed by the knitting and weaving industry since our establishment.

Our Certifications
Our Products

Able to meet your needs
A wide range of products

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